Play Final Fantasy III Online

Final Fantasy III technical data

Name Final Fantasy III
System Super Nintendo
Year 1994
Developer Square Co., Ltd.
Genre RPG

Final Fantasy III is a role-playing video game released for the Super Nintendo Entertainment System (SNES) in 1994. It was the third installment of the Final Fantasy series, and it was developed and published by Squaresoft (now Square Enix). The game follows four orphaned youths who are chosen by a crystal to save the world from an ancient evil.

The game is set in a fantasy world with four continents, each of which is divided into several countries. Players explore this world from an overhead perspective, visiting towns and dungeons to gather information, purchase items and equipment, or engage in battles with monsters. As they progress through the game, players must complete various tasks to advance the story and gain access to new areas.

The main characters of Final Fantasy III are Luneth, Arc, Refia, and Ingus. All four of them have their own unique personalities and abilities that help them on their journey. Luneth is an energetic young man who excels at physical combat; Arc is a wise mage who specializes in magical attacks; Refia is a tomboyish girl skilled in healing magic; and Ingus is a stoic warrior adept at defensive techniques. Throughout their quest they will meet numerous allies who will join them in battle against powerful enemies like dragons and demons.

The battles in Final Fantasy III take place in real time using a turn-based system. Players can choose from 8 different jobs for each character: Warrior, Monk, Thief, Black Mage, White Mage, Red Mage, Knight and Dragoon. Each job has its own set of skills and spells that can be used during battle - some jobs specialize in physical attacks while others focus on magical abilities or support roles such as healing or buffing allies' stats. By mastering multiple jobs for each character players can customize their party's strengths to tackle different types of enemies more effectively.

Final Fantasy III also features an extensive sidequest system where players can find optional dungeons filled with rare items and powerful monsters that provide rewards beyond what normal battles offer. These sidequests add extra depth to the game's already expansive world and give players incentive to explore every corner of it if they want to experience everything Final Fantasy III has to offer.

Overall Final Fantasy III offers an enjoyable gaming experience with its engaging story line combined with challenging battles featuring strategic job customization options that require careful thought before taking on tougher foes later on in the game. With its memorable characters and lively music score it remains one of the most beloved entries into the Final Fantasy franchise today - even after 26 years since its initial release!

Super Nintendo RPG games