Play Ultima - Exodus Online

Ultima - Exodus technical data

Name Ultima - Exodus
System NES
Year 1989
Developer ORIGIN Systems
Genre RPG

Ultima Exodus is a classic role-playing game released by Origin Systems for the Nintendo Entertainment System (NES) in 1988. The game was developed by Richard Garriott, creator of the Ultima series, and was the first in the series to be released on a console. It was well received critically and commercially, selling over 1 million copies worldwide and spawning two sequels.

The game is set in the world of Sosaria, which has been divided into four realms: Britannia, Pagan, Terfin and Underworld. The player takes on the role of “The Avatar”, who must save Sosaria from an evil force known as Exodus. The Avatar must travel through each realm in order to restore balance and save the world from destruction.

Gameplay consists of exploring dungeons and towns while battling monsters turn-based combat. Players gain experience points as they progress through the game, allowing them to upgrade their characters skills and abilities. As with other games in the Ultima series, players must solve puzzles in order to progress further in the story.

Ultima Exodus features several unique mechanics that separate it from other RPGs of its time. For example, players can use “spells” to cast powerful spells that can aid them during battle or help solve puzzles. The game also features a day/night cycle which affects how certain NPCs behave or what kind of enemies will appear in certain locations at certain times of day.

The game was praised for its detailed graphics and sound effects as well as its innovative gameplay mechanics and storyline. Critics also praised the depth of character customization available for players to create their own unique Avatar character that could be customized both visually and stat wise depending on how they wanted to play it out during their adventure through Sosaria’s realms.

Overall Ultima Exodus proved to be an excellent addition to both console gaming and RPGs overall; it had great production values for its time along with innovative gameplay mechanics that made it stand out among its peers at the time as well as giving players a chance to customize their character however they saw fit while exploring Sosaria’s many realms for hours on end trying to defeat Exodus once and for all!

NES RPG games