Play Touch Down Fever Online

Touch Down Fever technical data

Name Touch Down Fever
System NES
Year 1991
Developer SNK Corporation
Genre Sports

Touchdown Fever for the Nintendo Entertainment System (NES) is a classic American football video game released in 1989 by the Japanese developer Technos Japan Corp.

The game was one of the first to utilize the NES' four-player adapter and could be played as a single player or with up to four players simultaneously.

It was also one of the few sports games available for the NES at that time, making it an instant hit.

In Touchdown Fever, players take control of a team of five football players on either offense or defense, depending on which side they choose.

The game consists of two halves, each with four minutes of playtime.

During each half, teams attempt to score points by either running or passing the ball towards their opponents' end zone.

If they make it there without being tackled, they are awarded six points and get another chance at scoring with an extra point attempt from one yard away.

On defense, players have to tackle opposing players before they can reach the end zone in order to stop them from scoring.

The graphics in Touchdown Fever are quite basic compared to other sports games available at that time, but still look good enough for casual play.

The sound effects are simple and repetitive but effective enough to give a realistic feel to the game.

The controls are also quite straightforward and easy to learn; most actions can be performed using just two buttons - 'A' for passing and 'B' for running - making it accessible even for novice gamers.

The biggest draw of Touchdown Fever is its multi-player mode; up to four people can play together in a single match, which adds a great deal of excitement and replay value to the game.

There is also an AI mode where computer-controlled teams compete against each other if you want some solo action instead of playing against your friends or family members.

Overall, Touchdown Fever is an enjoyable football simulation that captures all the excitement and strategy associated with American football while providing hours of entertainment for both casual and hardcore gamers alike.

Although its graphics may seem outdated today, its solid gameplay mechanics still make it worth checking out if you're looking for some old-school football fun on your NES console

NES Sports games