Play Tecmo Super Bowl Online

Tecmo Super Bowl technical data

Name Tecmo Super Bowl
System NES
Year 1991
Developer Tecmo, Ltd.
Genre Sports

Tecmo Super Bowl is a classic sports video game released in 1991 for the Nintendo Entertainment System (NES). It was developed and published by Tecmo and was the first console football game to feature real NFL teams, players, and statistics. With its realistic gameplay and graphics, Tecmo Super Bowl quickly became a popular and influential title that is still remembered fondly today.

The game featured 11-on-11 play with 28 NFL teams from the 1990 season. Players could choose from different offensive formations such as I-form and Pro Set, as well as defensive formations like 4-3 or Nickel. The control scheme was also fairly advanced for its time; players could call audibles at the line of scrimmage, throw lob passes, spin move around defenders, dive tackle opponents, and even perform stiff arms. The game also included a full season mode which allowed players to compete in up to 28 games against computer opponents or other players.

Tecmo Super Bowl featured an impressive array of stats tracking including total yards gained on offense and defense, average yards per carry, interceptions thrown, sacks given up, etc. These stats were displayed at the end of each game as well as in detailed summary screens after each season. This level of detail made it easy to track individual player performance over time while competing against friends or family members.

In addition to its realistic gameplay mechanics and stat tracking capabilities, Tecmo Super Bowl had great graphics for its time period. The field itself was composed of large pixels that created a highly detailed playing surface with clearly delineated sidelines and hashes. The sprites representing the players were also well animated with smooth movements during plays and tackles that looked much better than what had been seen before in football games on consoles.

Tecmo Super Bowl has remained popular among fans of 8-bit gaming due to its unique combination of realism, arcade style action, deep stat tracking capabilities, and timeless graphics. To this day it remains one of the most beloved sports titles ever released on any platform which speaks volumes about how influential it was when it first came out nearly 30 years ago!

NES Sports games