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Mutant Virus, The technical data

Name Mutant Virus, The
System NES
Year 1992
Developer American Softworks Corporation
Genre Action

Mutant Virus, The is a Nintendo Entertainment System (NES) action-shooter video game developed by Hot B and released in 1988. It is set in the future where an alien virus has infected Earth and caused chaos. The player takes on the role of a human scientist tasked with finding a cure for the virus by battling their way through six levels of enemies and obstacles.

The game features two different types of gameplay: side-scrolling platforming and top-down shooter sections. In the side-scrolling sections, the player must navigate their way through a variety of obstacles while shooting at enemies to progress to the next level. The top-down shooter sections feature similar gameplay but with a more strategic approach as the player must use power-ups, weapons, and special abilities to survive and progress further into the game.

The graphics featured in Mutant Virus are simple yet effective. Although they are not particularly detailed or colorful, they still manage to create an atmosphere that adds to the tension of each level. The sound effects are also quite good and help add to the overall atmosphere of the game.

In terms of difficulty, Mutant Virus can be quite challenging at times but it’s never too difficult that it becomes unenjoyable. There are some tricky jumps that require precise timing as well as some intense shootouts with multiple enemies that can overwhelm players if they’re not careful enough. However, these moments only serve to make the game more interesting and engaging for players who enjoy a challenge.

Overall, Mutant Virus is an enjoyable NES action-shooter title which features some intense gameplay sequences as well as some interesting puzzles along the way. It may not be one of Hot B’s most famous titles but it certainly deserves recognition for being one of their earliest efforts at creating an enjoyable NES experience for gamers everywhere.

NES Action games