Play Home Alone Online

Home Alone technical data

Name Home Alone
System NES
Year 1991
Developer Bethesda Softworks
Genre Action

Home Alone is a classic Nintendo Entertainment System (NES) game that was released in 1991. It was based on the popular movie of the same name and featured similar characters, locations, and story elements. Players take control of Kevin McCallister, who has been left home alone while his family goes on vacation. The objective of the game is to prevent burglars from breaking into Kevin’s house by using various traps and weapons.

The game begins with Kevin exploring his house and discovering all the items he can use as traps including paint cans, marbles, toy soldiers, firecrackers and even a blowtorch. He must then strategically place these items around his house to deter any potential intruders. As Kevin travels around his house he can collect coins which can be used to purchase additional items such as a BB gun or ice skates.

When Kevin hears an intruder coming he must hide in order to avoid detection. If he is spotted he will lose health points and eventually die if the intruder hits him enough times. The player also must fend off attacking animals such as cats, rats and bats by throwing objects at them or using special weapons like a slingshot or water pistol.

The goal is to make it through each level without being caught by any of the intruders or losing all your health points. As you progress through the levels they become increasingly difficult with more enemies appearing at once and different types of traps to dodge or avoid.

In addition to its main single-player story mode, Home Alone also had two bonus levels featuring mini-games such as “Dodgeball” where players had to throw objects at each other while avoiding being hit themselves; “Freeze Frame” where players had to freeze enemies before they could move; and “Laser Maze” which required players to get from one side of a room filled with lasers without touching any of them.

Home Alone was praised for its detailed graphics, soundtrack, engaging gameplay mechanics, and creative use of environmental objects for defense against enemies making it one of the most beloved NES games ever made. It remains a nostalgic favorite among gamers today who remember playing this classic title when they were younger.

NES Action games