Play Crash 'n the Boys - Street Challenge Online

Crash 'n the Boys - Street Challenge technical data

Name Crash 'n the Boys - Street Challenge
System NES
Year 1992
Developer Technos
Genre Sports

Crash n the Boys - Street Challenge for the Nintendo Entertainment System (NES) is a sports-themed video game released in 1989.

The game was developed by Technos Japan and published by American Technos.

It is considered one of the most iconic games of its time, with its unique blend of sports challenges and arcade-style gameplay.

The player takes on the role of Crash, a young street punk who is determined to prove his worth with his friends on their city streets.

As Crash, you must compete against other teams in a variety of events such as running races, swimming contests, and even throwing rocks at cans.

Each event has its own unique challenge and requires different strategies to come out on top.

In addition to competing against other teams, you must also avoid obstacles like fire hydrants, manholes, and trash cans that can impede your progress.

If you manage to come out ahead in each event, you will be awarded points which can be used to purchase upgrades for Crash's team such as better shoes or special abilities.

The graphics for Crash n the Boys - Street Challenge are quite basic but still look great for an NES game from 1989.

The characters are well detailed and move smoothly throughout each event.

The sound effects are also realistic and add to the atmosphere of each challenge.

Additionally, each event has its own catchy theme song that will get stuck in your head after playing it a few times! Overall, Crash n the Boys - Street Challenge is an incredibly fun and addictive game that will keep you entertained for hours.

Its unique blend of sports challenges and arcade-style gameplay makes it stand out from other games released at the time.

While it may not have aged as gracefully as some other titles from this era, it still holds up surprisingly well today thanks to its timeless charm and engaging gameplay mechanics!

NES Sports games