Play Ai Sensei no Oshiete - Watashi no Hoshi Online

Ai Sensei no Oshiete - Watashi no Hoshi technical data

Name Ai Sensei no Oshiete - Watashi no Hoshi
System NES
Year 1993
Developer Irem
Genre Simulation

Ai Sensei no Oshiete - Watashi no Hoshi (translated to English as "Teach Me, AI Teacher - My Star") is a classic Nintendo Entertainment System (NES) game released in 1987. It was one of the first educational games released for the console and was designed to teach basic mathematics skills to young children. The game features an AI-controlled teacher named Sensei who provides players with a set of math-based challenges. Players must solve these puzzles and answer questions correctly in order to progress through the game.

The game has two modes: a tutorial mode and a challenge mode. In tutorial mode, players are given a series of mathematical equations that must be solved in order to advance. After solving each equation, Sensei will provide feedback on how well the player did and offer advice on how to improve their performance. In challenge mode, players are tasked with solving increasingly difficult problems as they progress through the levels. As they complete each level, they are rewarded with stars that can be used to purchase items from the shop such as new clothes or accessories for their characters.

The game also includes mini-games which can be played between levels. These mini-games involve answering trivia questions or playing simple arcade-style games such as shooting targets or catching falling stars. The objective of these mini-games is to help reinforce what has been learned from the main lessons in order to increase retention and understanding of the material covered during gameplay.

Ai Sensei no Oshiete – Watashi no Hoshi was praised by critics for its focus on teaching core math skills while still providing an engaging gaming experience for younger players. Its simplistic yet effective style of gameplay made it popular among many gamers who wanted something different from traditional NES titles such as Super Mario Bros.. This title remains one of the most beloved educational games ever released for the NES console, and is still enjoyed by retro gamers today due its timeless appeal and enjoyable play mechanics.

NES Simulation games