Play Tetris Online

Tetris technical data

Name Tetris
System Game Boy
Year 1989
Developer Nintendo R&D1
Genre Puzzle

Tetris is a classic video game that has been around since the late 1980s.

It was first released for the Nintendo Game Boy in 1989, and it quickly became a hit.

The objective of Tetris is to maneuver falling pieces (called tetrominoes) so they fit together like a puzzle.

When you clear lines of blocks, points are earned and the game progresses to higher levels.

The concept of Tetris originated in 1984, when Russian computer engineer Alexey Pajitnov created it while working at the Soviet Academy of Sciences.

Pajitnov based his design on an ancient puzzle called pentominoes, which involved arranging 12 different shapes made up of five squares each into a rectangle without leaving any gaps.

He named his new game “Tetris” after combining two Greek words: “tetra” meaning four and “ten” meaning squares.

In 1986, Pajitnov licensed the rights to Tetris to British software company Andromeda Software Ltd., which then sold them to Nintendo Co., Ltd., in 1988.

Nintendo released Tetris for its Game Boy handheld gaming console in 1989, and it became one of the most popular games ever made for the system.

It was also included with some versions of Nintendo's Super NES console when it was released in 1991.

Tetris has become one of the most recognizable video games in history due to its simple yet addictive gameplay mechanics and catchy music theme (known as “Korobeiniki”).

Players must rotate and move falling pieces so they fit together without leaving any gaps, while using strategy to create combos that will clear multiple lines at once for bonus points.

As players progress through higher levels, more complex pieces are introduced and the speed increases making it increasingly difficult to keep up with the action.

The success of Tetris spawned numerous spin-offs over the years including various sequels on home consoles and handhelds as well as mobile apps for smartphones and tablets.

There have even been several official tournaments held featuring competitive play against other players from around the world; such as Classic Tetris World Championship (CTWC), which began in 2010 and is still held annually today.

Tetris is an iconic video game that continues to be enjoyed by millions around the world today thanks to its timeless appeal and easy learning curve that anyone can pick up quickly regardless of age or skill level.

Whether you're playing on your original Game Boy or your latest smartphone device, you'll never tire from this classic puzzler that always keeps you coming back for more!

Game Boy Puzzle games