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Race Drivin' technical data

Name Race Drivin'
System Game Boy
Year 1993
Developer Atari
Genre Racing

Race Drivin' for the Nintendo Game Boy was one of the most beloved racing games of its time.

Released in 1992, it was a top-down racer that allowed up to four players to compete at once.

Players could choose from a variety of cars and tracks, and had to complete various objectives in order to win each race.

The game featured realistic physics and tight controls, as well as an impressive soundtrack.

The objective of Race Drivin' was simple: get around the track as fast as possible while avoiding obstacles and other racers.

Players were able to customize their car with different parts such as engines, tires, suspension, and body kits.

There were also power-ups scattered around the track that could be collected to give players a boost or hinder their opponents.

The game featured three different levels of difficulty: easy, medium, and hard.

The harder levels featured more aggressive AI opponents that would try to take shortcuts or use power-ups against the player.

The graphics of Race Drivin' were impressive for its time and still hold up today.

The overhead view gave players a great sense of speed as they raced through the courses.

Each track had its own unique look and design that made it stand out from others in the genre.

The color palette was bright and vibrant, making each course come alive with color and life.

The soundtrack is what really makes Race Drivin' stand out from other racing games on the Game Boy platform.

Composed by Yuzo Koshiro (creator of Streets Of Rage), the soundtrack is full of catchy synth beats that perfectly capture the intensity of each race.

Each track has its own distinct style that adds an extra layer of excitement to every lap around the circuit.

Race Drivin' was an absolute classic on the Game Boy platform and still holds up today thanks to its tight gameplay mechanics, impressive visuals, and memorable soundtrack.

It's one of those games you can keep coming back to over again without ever getting bored or frustrated with it due to its timeless appeal across all ages groups.

If you're looking for a classic racer on your Game Boy then Race Drivin' should definitely be at top your list!

Game Boy Racing games