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SWiV technical data

Name SWiV
System Game Boy Color
Year 1998
Developer Random Access
Genre Action

SWiV is a game developed by Taito Corporation and released exclusively for the Nintendo Game Boy Color in 1999. The game is a unique combination of action and puzzle elements, and has been praised for its innovative gameplay mechanics.

The objective of the game is to guide your character, a small robot named Swiv, through various levels while avoiding obstacles and enemies. You use the directional pad to control Swiv, while pressing A or B to fire weapons at enemies. As you progress through the levels, you will encounter different types of enemies as well as obstacles that can be used to your advantage. For example, some obstacles can be destroyed with weapons while others may require careful maneuvering to avoid. In addition, there are power-ups hidden throughout the levels which can give you an edge over your foes.

Each level consists of a series of platforms connected by ladders and other structures. To complete each level, you must navigate Swiv across these platforms while avoiding enemies and their projectiles. Additionally, each level contains various items which can be collected for bonus points or special abilities such as invincibility or increased firepower. When all of the items have been collected in a level, it is possible to progress to the next one.

The graphics in SWiV are simple yet effective – everything looks distinct enough for players to easily recognize objects onscreen without getting confused or overwhelmed by too much detail. Furthermore, the soundtrack adds an extra layer of atmosphere with its upbeat tunes that fit perfectly within the context of an action-puzzle game like this one.

Overall, SWiV was a great success when it first released on the Game Boy Color back in 1999 – it was widely praised for its innovative gameplay mechanics and engaging puzzles that kept players coming back for more. Though not as popular today as some other titles from around that time period, it still stands out as one of Taito’s most creative offerings on Nintendo’s handheld console platform and remains enjoyable even after all these years later.

Game Boy Color Action games