Play Lucky Luke - Desperado Train Online

Lucky Luke - Desperado Train technical data

Name Lucky Luke - Desperado Train
System Game Boy Color
Year 2000
Developer Infogrames
Genre Puzzle

Lucky Luke: Desperado Train is a classic game released for the Nintendo Game Boy Color in 1999. Developed by Infogrames, it is based on the popular French comic book series of the same name. The game follows Lucky Luke, a cowboy with superhuman shooting abilities, as he embarks on an epic quest to save his beloved town from a dangerous gang of outlaws known as “The Desperados”.

The player takes control of Lucky Luke and must navigate through six different levels set in various locations across the Wild West. Each level contains several stages where Lucky Luke must complete tasks such as finding hidden items, avoiding traps, and defeating enemies. Along the way, Lucky Luke will also come across various characters from the comic books who can provide him with helpful advice or items that will aid him in his mission.

One of the highlights of Lucky Luke: Desperado Train is its graphical presentation. The game features detailed sprites and colorful backgrounds that capture the look and feel of the original comic book series. The music also adds to this atmosphere with its upbeat Western-style tunes that perfectly fit the tone of each stage.

Gameplay-wise, Lucky Luke: Desperado Train is fairly straightforward but still enjoyable due to its varied objectives and challenging difficulty level. As mentioned earlier, players will have to find hidden items and avoid traps while dealing with enemies at every turn. However, they must also be careful not to shoot innocent bystanders or else they will lose points at the end of each stage.

In addition to its single-player mode, Lucky Luke: Desperado Train also features a two-player mode where players can compete against each other either cooperatively or competitively depending on their preference. This makes for some great replay value as friends can challenge each other for bragging rights over who can get further in the game without losing any lives in the process!

Overall, Lucky Luke: Desperado Train is an excellent game for anyone looking for a classic side-scrolling shooter experience on their Game Boy Color console. While it may not have aged particularly well due to its outdated visuals and sound design, it still stands out as one of the best entries in this genre released during its time period. If you’re looking for an entertaining romp through a classic Western setting then look no further than this gem!

Game Boy Color Puzzle games