Play Batman Beyond - Return of the Joker Online

Batman Beyond - Return of the Joker technical data

Name Batman Beyond - Return of the Joker
System Game Boy Color
Year 2000
Developer Kemco
Genre Fighting

Batman Beyond – Return of the Joker is an action-adventure video game released for the Nintendo Game Boy Color in 2001.

Developed by HotGen Studios, this game was based on the popular animated series, Batman Beyond.

This game follows the story of a young Bruce Wayne as he goes up against his arch nemesis The Joker and other rogue villains from Gotham City.

The storyline of Batman Beyond: Return of the Joker follows a new generation of Batman, Terry McGinnis who has taken up the mantle of The Dark Knight.

After being given a high-tech suit by an aged Bruce Wayne, Terry must now face off against a mysterious figure known as The Joker who reappeared after a long absence.

With help from Bruce and his allies, Terry must use his gadgets and martial arts skills to stop The Joker and his powerful gang from taking control over Gotham City.

Players take control of Terry as he traverses through various levels with different objectives such as rescuing hostages or disabling bombs set by The Joker's gang.

Along the way, they can collect power-ups and gadgets that can be used in battle or to progress further in the level.

A unique feature found in this game is its two difficulty settings; Normal Mode which allows players to take their time solving puzzles and completing levels while Hard Mode features more challenging enemies and obstacles that require more skill and strategy to overcome.

The visuals for Batman Beyond - Return of the Joker are simple yet effective, featuring colorful cartoon-style graphics that remain faithful to its source material.

Fans will recognize characters such as Bruce Wayne, Batgirl, Robin and Batwoman all rendered in 8-bit sprites with some animation frames for certain moves or attacks.

The music is also quite good with catchy tunes that accompany each level along with sound effects for various actions including punches, kicks or weapon shots.

Overall, Batman Beyond – Return of the Joker is an enjoyable action-adventure title suitable for anyone looking for a good time playing as their favorite hero fighting against classic villains such as The Joker or Mr Freeze.

With solid gameplay mechanics combined with great visuals and sound design, this game provides hours upon hours of entertainment perfect for any fan of Batman or comic book heroes in general

Game Boy Color Fighting games