Play Robot Wars - Extreme Destruction Online

Robot Wars - Extreme Destruction technical data

Name Robot Wars - Extreme Destruction
System Game Boy Advance
Year 2002
Developer Warthog
Genre Sports

Robot Wars: Extreme Destruction is an action-packed game released for the Nintendo Game Boy Advance in 2002. Developed by Crawfish Interactive, the game is based on the popular British television series of the same name. Players take control of a customisable robotic warrior and battle it out against other robots in a variety of arenas and tournaments.

The game features two distinct modes - Tournament Mode and War Zone Mode. In tournament mode, players compete in a series of elimination rounds to become champion of the arena. Each round consists of three heats with up to five robots competing in each heat. The winner of each heat advances to the next round until only one robot remains standing. Players can choose from four different arena types - Metal Mayhem, Infernal Inferno, Beastly Brawl and Techno Terror - each with its own unique hazards and obstacles.

In War Zone Mode, players must battle their way through a series of progressively more difficult levels to gain access to new parts and upgrades for their robot warriors. The levels are divided into four different zones - Fire Storm, Steel Storm, Ice Storm and Acid Storm - each featuring enemies with unique abilities that must be defeated before progressing further. During these battles, players can use power-ups such as weapons, shields and energy boosts to give their robot an edge over its opponents. As they progress through War Zone Mode they will also unlock new parts for their robots such as weapons, armour plating and special abilities which can be used in both tournament mode and war zone mode battles.

Robot Wars: Extreme Destruction offers a wide range of customisation options for your robot warriors including colour schemes, body shapes and weapon configurations. There are also several mini-games available which can be played between rounds or during war zone mode battles for added challenge. The game also includes several bonus levels featuring giant robots where players must complete various tasks within a set time limit such as navigating mazes or defeating waves of enemies before being crowned champion of those particular levels.

Robot Wars: Extreme Destruction is an exciting action-packed game that provides hours of fun for gamers looking for some robotic combat action on the Nintendo Game Boy Advance console! With its variety of arenas, customisation options and bonus levels there’s something here to please everyone from casual gamers to hardcore robot fans alike!

Game Boy Advance Sports games