Play Monster Force Online

Monster Force technical data

Name Monster Force
System Game Boy Advance
Year 2002
Developer Digital Eclipse Software
Genre Shooter

Monster Force is a side-scrolling action-adventure game developed by Capcom for the Nintendo Game Boy Advance. It was released in 2004 and is based on the popular horror movie franchise, Monster Force. The game follows the adventures of six kids who are recruited to join a secret organization known as Monster Force. The goal of the organization is to protect humanity from monsters that have been released into our world through an interdimensional portal.

The game features colorful cartoon-style graphics and a variety of unique monsters with different abilities. Each character has their own special weapon and unique attacks that can be used to defeat enemies. As players progress through the game, they will encounter various challenges such as boss battles, puzzles, and hidden items. Players must also collect power-ups to increase their character’s stats and gain access to new areas.

Players take control of one of six characters: Ace, a martial arts expert; Lance, a sharpshooter; Raven, an expert hacker; Tanya, an explosives expert; Zack, an engineer; and Zane, a master thief. The characters can be switched at any time during gameplay and each has their own strengths and weaknesses that must be taken into account when facing off against enemies. For example, Ace is best suited for hand-to-hand combat while Raven is better at hacking computers or unlocking doors with her lockpicking skills.

As players explore each area they will battle hordes of monsters using their weapons or special attacks. As players progress they will gain experience points which can be used to upgrade their characters’ stats or purchase new items from stores located in each level. In addition to battling monsters there are also mini-games scattered throughout the levels which provide an additional challenge for players looking for something extra from their gaming experience.

Overall Monster Force provides hours of entertainment with its compelling storyline, colorful graphics and fun gameplay mechanics. Although it may not have the same level of depth as some other titles available on the Game Boy Advance it certainly provides enough content to keep players entertained for quite some time as they battle against numerous creatures in order to save humanity from destruction!

Game Boy Advance Shooter games