Play LEGO Star Wars - The Video Game Online

LEGO Star Wars - The Video Game technical data

Name LEGO Star Wars - The Video Game
System Game Boy Advance
Year 2005
Developer Griptonite Games
Genre Action

For many, the name LEGO brings to mind childhood memories of building whatever their imaginations could come up with. But for some, it’s a reminder of one of the most beloved video game series ever created – Lego Star Wars. The original Lego Star Wars: The Video Game was released in 2005 for the PlayStation 2, Xbox, Gamecube and PC platforms. However, it wasn’t until 2006 that it made its way to Nintendo’s handheld console – the Game Boy Advance (GBA).

Lego Star Wars: The Video Game GBA is an action-adventure platformer based on George Lucas’ renowned space opera franchise. It follows the plots of Episodes I-III and features characters from all six movies. Players take control of a variety of iconic characters such as Anakin Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi and Yoda. Each character has their own special abilities which are necessary to progress through levels and complete objectives.

The game consists of thirty-three missions divided into three acts per episode. Missions involve battling enemies, solving puzzles and collecting Lego pieces which can be used to build vehicles or structures. These pieces are also used to gain access to secret areas which contain bonus items such as extra lives or power-ups. As players progress through the game they will earn rewards such as new characters or new abilities for existing ones. Completionists will be pleased to know that there is even a bonus level accessible when all thirty-three missions have been completed successfully!

Graphically, Lego Star Wars: The Video Game GBA is quite impressive for a handheld title; environments are richly detailed with bright colours and textures while character models look great despite their blocky design. Animations are smooth and responsive making gameplay fast paced and enjoyable. The soundtrack is also excellent featuring John Williams’ iconic score from the films giving the whole experience an epic feel worthy of its source material.

In conclusion, Lego Star Wars: The Video Game GBA is a great title that fans of both franchises will thoroughly enjoy thanks to its accessible gameplay and charming visuals/audio presentation. Whether you’re looking for some lighthearted fun or want something more challenging then this game has something for everyone so don’t miss out!

Game Boy Advance Action games